AWEC Mobilizes Support for Flood-Affected Communities in Baghlan and Badakhshan

In May 2024, severe floods devastated large areas of Baghlan and Badakhshan Provinces, affecting several districts and jeopardizing the livelihoods and security of nearly a thousand families...

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Suresh Dasari Card

About Us

Founded in 1991 by a group of educated Afghan women in exile, the Afghan Women's Educational Center (AWEC) is a nonprofit, nonsectarian, nonpolitical, and nongovernmental organization. AWEC actively advocates and raises awareness about women's and children's rights in Islam. Our core activities focus on supporting women, reducing and eventually eliminating violence, and increasing women's participation in the home and society. With over 30 years of experience, AWEC has deep knowledge and understanding of Afghanistan's current socioeconomic, cultural, and political complexities. AWEC is a leading organization in addressing the needs of various communities, recognizing that these needs are diverse and depend on multiple social and economic factors. Since 2002, AWEC has been working with women and communities to improve access to education, health, and vocational services in Afghanistan. Our initiatives also cover livelihood, protection, WASH, humanitarian aid, grant management, capacity building, social rehabilitation, cohesion, and justice. AWEC has implemented projects in Logar, Faryab, Kapisa, Khost, Panjshir, Wardak, Kabul, Balkh, Herat, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Badakhshan, Parwan, Paktia, Paktika, Laghman, Nuristan, and Bamyan provinces and maintains a current presence in Kabul, Balkh, Herat, Nangarhar, Kandahar, Badakhshan, Parwan, Paktia, Paktika, Laghman, Nuristan, and Bamyan.

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New Feeds

Teachers Day

AWEC celebrated teachers day in Orgun Paktika on 5th October.

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From Streets to School: Asia's Inspirational Journey

Twelve-year-old Asia, a dedicated student in grade 3, has faced tremendous obstacles in her journey toward education. However, she has also discovered the joy of learning and personal achievement. After achieving the highest marks in her second-grade class, Asia is determined to see continued success in the current third grade, which she is now attending. Asia attends a Community-Based Education (CBE) class that AWEC established under the TDH-funded project in April 2022. Despite her present success, Asia’s story wasn’t always a happy one. Born into extreme poverty, her parents were heartbroken to see their child, in their words, “wandering the streets.” Struggling to cover basic needs, they knew they couldn’t transport her to the distant formal school or afford any fees for school supplies. When the CBE classroom opened in their community, a weight lifted off their shoulders, and they began to see a brighter future for Asia. Her parents were astounded to see her outstanding performance, considering merely attending school a success. Recently, Asia was recognized in her village as one of the top students in her grade. Amongst 43 students in her class, she regularly attends her 3rd-grade CBE class every day. Reflecting on her achievements from last year, Asia shared, “I felt very happy when my teacher and the education coordinator congratulated me, and my classmates cheered me for getting the top position in my class. I became more excited about my future." “I am eager to sustain my high grades to continue my education,” says Asia. “As soon as I come back from class, I study, and if I have time, I help my mom.” Asia hopes that one day she will have a better school environment, with desks and a nice building. “I want to thank my parents for believing in my education and thank AWEC for supporting us to learn,” says Asia. Asia's teacher describes her as the top student in her class, always punctual and helping her peers to learn. “She is a true inspiration to the whole class,” says Asia’s teacher. “I hope all parents will do the same as Asia’s father – believe in the value of educating girls.” Asia has learned mathematics, reading, and writing skills, and she especially enjoys her lessons on painting and drawing. She actively participates in class with joy and interest. “I hope one day my father can see my graduation from higher education and I will become a doctor or a teacher,” she said. Her teacher, Kamila, observed, “Sometimes she was teaching her classmates and actively attended group activities. She did her homework regularly, and I often saw her studying during break times. I am proud to see my student get the first position in our neighborhood.” AWEC's CBE classrooms operate in community buildings in remote areas, closer to students' homes. Hub schools are often too far and difficult to access for children, making CBE an invaluable initiative in these hard-to-reach areas.

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Business Development Trainer

Background The Business Development Trainer will provide comprehensive training to selected project beneficiaries on Business Development, Sales, and Marketing. The trainer will also conduct Literacy and Numeracy courses for beneficiaries with varying capacities over 3 or 6 months. The ultimate goal is empowering beneficiaries to establish their brands and enhance their business skills. Objectives: To equip project beneficiaries with essential Business Development, Sales, and Marketing skills. To conduct Literacy and Numeracy courses to enhance beneficiaries' capacities. To support beneficiaries in establishing their brands and assigning them to different business groups based on their skills and capacity. Coordinate with the Business Development Expert to ensure alignment with project objectives. To assist in establishing a business center to support Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Organize exposure visits to local businesses for learning and idea sharing. To facilitate monthly coordination meetings between established MSMEs and new SMEs. To identify vulnerable women and girls for potential cash-based initiatives or internship programs. assist beneficiaries in organizing exhibitions and managing events. Responsibilities: The Business Development Trainer will be responsible for: Developing and delivering practical Business Development, Sales, and Marketing training to project beneficiaries. Conducting Literacy and Numeracy courses tailored to the capacities of individual beneficiaries. Guiding and mentoring beneficiaries in establishing their brands and assigning them to appropriate business groups based on their skills and capacity. Coordinating and communicating with the Business Development Expert to ensure training activities align with project objectives. Providing support in establishing a business center to facilitate MSMEs' growth and development. Organizing exposure visits to local businesses to expose beneficiaries to practical experiences and foster idea sharing. Facilitating regular coordination meetings between established MSMEs and new SMEs to promote collaboration and knowledge exchange. Identifying vulnerable women and girls who could benefit from cash-based initiatives or internship programs and providing necessary support for their inclusion. Assisting beneficiaries in planning and organizing exhibitions and managing events to showcase their products and services. Job Requirements: Qualifications and Experience: Demonstrated expertise in Business Development, Sales, and Marketing with a track record of successful entrepreneurship. Strong facilitation and training skills, with experience conducting literacy and numeracy courses. Excellent communication and coordination abilities to effectively work with beneficiaries and the Business Development Expert. Knowledge of MSME development and the challenges faced by vulnerable women and girls in the business sector. Ability to guide and mentor beneficiaries in building their brands and business capacities. Organizational skills to plan exposure visits, coordination meetings, and events. At least 3 years of experience working in training/facilitation and marketing-related activities. Experience working on marketing activities that consider gender mainstreaming is highly desirable. Education: A recognized university bachelor’s degree in education, business, marketing, design, fine arts, fashion, or a related field Reporting: The Business Development Trainer will report directly to the Business Development Expert and the Project Manager. Evaluation: The performance of the Business Development Trainer will be evaluated based on the successful delivery of training, progress made by beneficiaries, the establishment of brands and businesses, effective coordination with the Business Development Expert, and the overall impact on project objectives. Submission Guideline: Interested candidates are requested to send their applications along with their CVs to the attention of following address Kindly mention the vacancy number and position title in your email's subject line, otherwise, you won't be shortlisted. All shortlisted candidates will be directly contacted for a test/Interview. “Being committed to diversity & equal employment opportunity we highly encourage females & people living with disabilities to apply, all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to ethnicity, language, religious sect.” Submission Email:

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